What is Human Biochemistry?
What does it mean? Human biochemistry is the study of chemistry in the living human body. Molecular biology refers to the study of molecular structures particularly the correlation of genes and the functional characteristics these produce. The story of molecular biology: Since the beginning of the 'Human Genome Project' (genome means the complete set of genetic material in a living thing i.e. human, in our context) to map out the entire sequence of the DNA (De-oxyribo-Nucleic-Acid) of mankind, this subject has been receiving a lot of publicity. Therefore, allow me to share with u some basic knowledge of this subject. Our body is like a map of sorts. Each cell carries with it a 'master blueprint' containing the unique characteristics of every individual being. You could equate that with the 'operating system' or 'master software' of a computer. The 'blueprint' is encoded in a molecule called 'DNA'. Sounds confusing? Don