Human Biochemistry

What does it mean?

Human biochemistry is the study of chemistry in the living human body.
Molecular biology refers to the study of molecular structures particularly the correlation of genes and the functional characteristics these produce.

The story of molecular biology:
Since the beginning of the 'Human Genome Project' (genome means the complete set of genetic material in a living thing i.e. human, in our context) to map out the entire sequence of the DNA (De-oxyribo-Nucleic-Acid) of mankind, this subject has been receiving a lot of publicity. Therefore, allow me to share with u some basic knowledge of this subject.

Our body is like a map of sorts. Each cell carries with it a 'master blueprint' containing the unique characteristics of every individual being. You could equate that with the 'operating system' or 'master software' of a computer. The 'blueprint' is encoded in a molecule called 'DNA'.

Sounds confusing? Don't worry. DNA is the chemical at the centre of the cells in living things. The chemical controls the structure and purpose of each cell and carries genetic information during reproduction.

The message carried by the DNA will determine the functions of each cell. Indeed, the capacity of one single DNA alone is enormous - it causes an overwhelming storage of information determining our individual perceptions and characteristics!

But wait! How does the DNA affect the person called "you"?
Aha! Each specific portion of the DNA carries with it a specific message or instruction. This can be quantified as a unit called 'gene'.
Mutation occurs when DNA sequences are altered by radiation or other mutagenic agents, causing abnormalities in the genes. These are linked to human diseases.

So, what does molecular biology have to do with you? Plenty! It can tell a thousand things about your genes. Since science invented the knowhow and technology in molecular biology science, the world has taken a dramatic leap forward. Consequently, there has been tremendous impact to the medical community and mankind.

Today, DNA testing can be made from surprisingly tiny samples of semen, hair, skin or blood - making it a boon for identification and research purposes. With it, the application possibilities of molecular biology are as unlimited as the variety of DNAs.

To know more about the human genome project, surf online and visit:

Why is it important to know medical biochemistry?

Chemical changes within the body can be normal or abnormal. However, there may be certain abnormalities requiring urgent attention and treatment. This could be an instance of high plasma potassium (hyper-kalaemia) level.
Monitoring biochemical changes is also one of the main reasons why a doctor would need to test your blood, especially when you are admitted to a hospital. Though the taking of blood may involve slight needle-prick pain, but it can do you a world of good and help the doctor in understanding your condition, faster and better.

The other area of importance in understanding human biochemistry is in drug treatment and drug research. Many discoveries have been made studying the natural bio-chemicals that exist within the body. Some drugs are based on molecular modifications of natural bio-chemicals. Further, new chemical entities or new molecules with potential benefits, when found, will be further tested and developed to determine the therapeutic effects.


(Basic to mid-level: suitable for public and medical students):
Biochemistry made easy:

Great! You're doing well.


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