Acne Scar Treatment Singapore - Have You been Traumatized by Unreliable Acne Scar Treatment?

Have you been traumatised by unreliable acne scar treatment in Singapore?
Acne scar treatment Singapore

With tons of low-quality self-help e-books out there on acne scar treatment, I am not surprised if you are confused and overwhelmed with acne scar treatment information or rather misinformation i.e. recommendations from Facebook friends, neighbours, emails, forum recommendations, blogs, search engine results etc. It's obvious that readers are hungry for reliable information and that's the reason for this post.

We have searched around the internet and have compiled the following relevant credible reference links in order to facilitate your research for 'acne scar treatment Singapore' in one place. Do go through them and complement it with your own research.

This article has been categorized into several sections below.

  • Acne Scar Treatment in Singapore
  • Acne Scar Treatment Reviews in Singapore
  • Acne Scar Treatment Clinics in Singapore
  • Fractional CO2 laser Singapore price

Acne Scar Treatment in Singapore

Step 1: Read more about Acne Scar treatment from credible websites. 

Do not get confused by a lot of the 'spammy and scammy' sites out there on the internet.

Use good and reputable websites such as WebMD, NHS, Medscape in order to understand your acne scar condition including prevention and root causes. Here are some recommended credible links:

Guide to Treating Acne Scars and Skin Damage

If you see signs that your acne is leaving a scar on your skin, you don't have to grin and bear it. There are lots of ways to heal your scars and keep new ones from forming.
Do take note that WebMd is one of the top healthcare sites in the world. Its’ ranked as the 2nd most popular site under the health category -

Cortisone and Fade Creams

If your scar is red or swollen, use a cortisone cream to calm your skin. The cortisone is absorbed by skin cells and reduces inflammation. You can buy skin creams with cortisone without a prescription. Examples of popular products available from your local pharmacies in Malaysia include Betnovate, Elomet etc.Please take note that: 

"Hydroquinone, a popular skin lightener, has recently fallen out of favor and is now being omitted from many fading creams due to irritation and carcinogenic concern,"...

Step 2: Consult a Skin Specialist or Visit an Aesthetic Clinic

If your acne scars don't fade away on their own, it may be time to consider booking an appointment with your dermatologist or your local aesthetic clinic.

Laser and Filler Treatments for Acne Scars

In one to three sessions, laser skin resurfacing using fractionated laser technology can even out the skin surface and increase the formation of new collagen. Collagen is a protein that's a building block of the skin. The new collagen can help fill in acne scars.

Filler injections can help fill in the indentations left behind from deep acne scars. But the downside to fillers is that they need to be repeated every 4 to 6 months, as the product reabsorbs into the skin over time.

How to Prevent Scars or Help Scars Heal

  • Stay out of the sun. Exposing scars to the sun can cause them to darken and slow the healing process. Ultraviolet rays stimulate melanocytes (pigment-producing cells), leading to further discolouration.
  • Before heading outdoors, put on a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. Reapply after swimming, after sweating, and after more than 2 hours in the sun.
  • Don't pick and squeeze. Scars, which are made mainly of collagen, are your body's way of repairing itself. Acne scars are typically indented because of collagen loss from intense inflammation.
  • Picking leads to more inflammation and injury of your skin, which add to the discoloration and scarring. Squeezing or trying to pop a pimple causes pus and bacteria to filter deeper into the skin, bringing on more collagen damage.
  • Don't use vitamin E on scars. You may have heard that applying vitamin E to a scar will help it heal faster. But according to a study from the University of Miami, applying the nutrient directly onto a scar can actually hinder its healing. In the study, vitamin E either had no effect or made matters worse for 90% of the patients, and 33% who put vitamin E on the skin developed a contact dermatitis. 

Acne Scar Treatment Reviews in Singapore

As mentioned above, there are not many unbiased, evidence-based information on the internet. However, I have curated a few below that I think may be worthy of your reading time.

5 Singapore bloggers share their Fractional CO2 Laser reviews and experiences
What better way to learn about Fractional CO2 Lasers than to have a compressed list of Singapore reviews and personal opinions of those who have undergone this highly sought after procedure? And this is what we, at PlastyTalk, have done for our dearest Plastytalkers.

I Had A Procedure For Acne Scars And Regretted It The Next Day
My teachers tried to convince me that wearing makeup wouldn’t help my case; that I had to let my skin breathe. I didn’t listen and continued to pile on more products and switched products every so often. The result? Nasty breakouts and acne scarring.
It was only six years ago that my skin stopped flaring up but, of course, the scars remain. So when I was asked to review an aesthetic treatment that purportedly treats scars, I was ecstatic.

Acne Scar Treatment: CO2 Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing at Tiffiny Yang Aesthetics & Surgery
Due to my genetics misfortune, I’ve had the worst acne breakouts since my teenage years, which has spread into my adult life with quite widespread scarring on my face. Some bloggers can post photos of their beautiful face to get more readers, while others like myself have to post beautiful food photos instead. Well, at least I get to eat a lot while I’m at it.
Read more:

Acne Scar Treatment: CO2 Laser + TCA Results after 5 Sessions
Do note that again, it takes time for results and there is a resting period of 1 month between each session. So 5 sessions of CO2 laser treatment will take you 5 months at least to finish the procedure and see revealing results. Before we go into the actual results, I want to show the downtime and redness that occurs after each treatment so you have a fair idea of what to expect after a treatment and whether you want to show your face to the world.
Read more:

Acne Scar Treatment in Singapore
Acne scar treatment in Singapore as told by a doctor with no affiliations. On this occasion, I also had the pleasure of picking the brains of my dermatologist colleague, Dr Yew.
Why am I writing this post? Primarily because I’m that clichéd long-time acne sufferer myself, with a vested interest in this kind of stuff.

Acne Scar Treatment Clinics in Singapore

    Fractional CO2 Laser Singapore Price

    Singapore medical portal doctorXdentist has compiled a list of fractional CO2 laser pricing information based on the email replies that they have sent out to the aesthetic clinics in Singapore.

    Here is the list.

    The Clifford Clinic, Dr Chow Yuen Ho:

    The consultation fee is $50 and the cost for the first session of fractional CO2 laser is about $200 before GST. Subsequent sessions are in the $500 range depending on the package signed.

    The Chelsea Clinic, Dr Ewen Chee:

    1 Session: $600, 4 Sessions: $2300. Consultation fees is at $60 but will be waived off if you are signing up for treatments at the clinic.

    Vanessa Phua Aesthetic Clinic, Dr Vanessa Phua:

    The price starts from $950 for a full face. Generally, a few sessions are required to achieve an optimal result. Good skin care will also help in maintenance after laser. My consultation starts from $100.

    If there are any useful information or useful links that we’ve missed, then please let us know in the comments and we’ll try to add them to the post!


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