PicoWay vs PicoSure vs PicoPlus vs PicoCare: What are the Differences?

If you are confused about all the pico laser treatments in town and are looking for a guide to better understand pico laser and pigmentation treatment, you've come to the right place.

Pico laser treatment

“Pico Laser” is a recent buzzword in aesthetic medicine, so it's no surprise that Pico Lasers are one of the most popular treatment nowadays. However, the science is also mixed with hype and you are likely to get overwhelmed and cluttered over this Pico Laser treatment.

We have compiled related pico laser questions and answers in one place in order to answer the above question and to de-clutter your mind. All answers are provided by medical doctors and dermatologists. The information below is based on published answers from major sites on the internet.

Here is the list:

Q: I am looking for a treatment for melasma, pore size reduction and rejuvenation. I came across pico technology but what is the difference between Pico Way and Pico Sure ( apart from a manufacturer). Is one better than the other for my concerns?

A : Melasma is very difficult to treat and heat often makes it worse. Start by looking for prescription strength 4% Hydroquinone (HQ). Do not buy it over the counter or off the internet. Laws vary by state. In Texas, physicians can prescribe and dispense in office.

It is difficult for me to compare PicoWay vs. PicoSure. We have been using the PicoSure for 4 years and know how well it works. The picosecond lasers were originally engineered for tattoo removal.

CynoSure recognized early on the picosecond benefit to skin rejuvenation. They came up with separate handpieces and settings for rejuvenation. I have seen several complication pictures on this site from other pico treatments that we have never seen with the PicoSure. Experience with any laser makes the difference.

We have been very successful using the PicoSure laser with the FOCUS and / or Flat Lenses eliminating hyperpigmentation with a series of treatments. Our protocol is a series of very low pulse count combined with using our chiller unit blowing cold air. FOCUS lens treatments have the extra benefit of reducing fine lines, wrinkles and scars. This is one of our go to treatments for patients older than 40 and worried about the signs of aging. The PicoSure laser is SAFE for ALL SKIN TYPES. Start with sunscreen every day! Once you have treated your hyperpigmentation to your satisfaction, you will probably need a follow treatment every 6 to 12 months depending your level of re-pigmentation.

Source: https://www.realself.com/question/enfield-e3-pico-pico-difference#7849139

Q: Is the picosecond laser really better than the nanosecond laser in real-world applications?

While not everyone may agree, I use a picosecond system called PICOCARE from Wontech, Ltd., Co. (Daejeon, South Korea), and, based on my experience with both a nanosecond laser and a picosecond laser, my answer to this question is “yes”.

Picosecond lasers irradiate the laser energy with a pulse duration that is 10 times shorter than Q-switched (QS) lasers. In theory, picosecond lasers can provide more photomechanical effects to pigments and break them down into finer particles, resulting in better therapeutic results. In addition, less photothermal effects are delivered to the skin, resulting in a short amount of downtime and less damage to surrounding tissues.

Source: https://www.aestheticchannel.com/wrinkle-treatments/picocare-provides-range-aesthetic-treatment-solutions

Q: What’s the difference between Pico Genesis and other laser treatments?

A: PicoGenesis is the brand name for a toning procedure when performed with a particular device. The treatment can range from a simple, quick toning procedure to a spot treatment of isolated brown spots. It’s an excellent choice for someone who is seeking improvements in tone, texture and quality. I chose a different system (PiQo4 from Lumenis) because it was important that I have fractional capabilities in addition to those toning and spot treatment capabilities. The branded name for the procedure that I offer is PicoFractional. The capabilities of the PicoFractional treatments take PicoGenesis to another level. I’m able to trigger long-term neocollagenesis with the 1064 PicoFractional treatments and can artistically remove pigment with the 532 PicoFractional treatments. Look for a provider in your area offering either PicoGenesis or PicoFractional treatments for a low-downtime solution to pigment and texture.

Source: https://www.realself.com/question/seattle-wa-s-difference-pico-genesis-laser-treatments#6328309

Q: What is the difference between all the Pico lasers? Genesis, PicoWay, focus lens array, Picosecond?

A: Pico second technology uses soundwaves to shatter pigment both on the skin and in tattoos. Pico is a brand new mechanism of action in the already sophisticated world of technology. What makes each device unique are the different spot sizes, and depths of penetration, along with the flexibility of different wavelengths.

We love the PicoWay laser since it has three wavelengths for tattoo removal and removes all colors on the spectrum. Pico Way also have smaller spot sizes which gives four times the depth of penetration and energy then the other Pico lasers.

What's really great, is that it improves all aspects of problematic discoloration including melasma, brown spots, sun damage and cafe au lait. Their Resolve handpieces correct texture/lines/wrinkles/pores with nd:YAG handpiece and brown spots/pigmentation with the 532nm handpiece. It's a great laser facial with no downtime and lots of results.

The Pico Way is safe for all skin types.

Source: https://www.realself.com/question/edmonton-ab-difference-pico-lasers-genesis-picoway-focus-lens-array-picosecond#7755018

Q: What is the difference between Pico Plus, Pico Way and Pico Sure?

A: PicoWay, PicoPlus and Picosure lasers are different brands of laser where lasers are delivered in a much shorter time (i.e. picosecond rather than the nanoseconds) that Q switch lasers deliver it. The claim to these lasers is that with shorter burst of pulse, it will theoretically means less thermal damage to the surrounding skin. Some of these companies also claim that that also means it can deliver more energy and therefore is more effective.

The truth is that there is no real strong head to head studies to show that picosecond laser is better than the conventional Q switch lasers in pigmentation reduction. Q switch laser has been around for several decades and picosecond lasers are a new trend with lots of marketing campaigns done on the internet. More recently, there is a ongoing lawsuit against PicoSure laser and its harm.

I think the important point I want to make is that it is hard to know the difference between what is marketing dollars talking and what is real evidence based medicine. Many studies have small sample size and are sponsored by the product company itself. So are many claims on the internet.

My personal opinion is that many pico lasers used in the hands of the right doctor will function very much like the conventional Q switch lasers if the power, duration and diagnosis of your pigmentation is correct and the aftercare from the doctor is followed. I am honestly doubtful about claims of significant superiority to Q switch lasers in pigmentation removal. In fact doctors thinking that such picosecond lasers are much safer and therefore increase the power wrongly may result is greater damage than good.

In short, go to a doctor who is experienced in pigmentation reduction rather than focusing so much on what laser is being used.

Source: https://www.doctorxdentist.com/questions/what-is-the-difference-between-pico-plus-pico-way-and-pico-sure

Q: With so many Pico laser machines of different brands and wavelengths available, how can a patient determine which would be the most effective since most clinics do not offer more than one type of Pico laser for the sake of treatment comparison?

A: That is a key question! All practitioners would like an answer to that before they decide on which device to purchase.

Of course, there may be differences in the treatment outcomes between the different pico-lasers. But in reality the differences may not be critical to the final clinical outcome.

The final clinical outcome is dependent on other key variables including the correct diagnosis, if the condition is laser-responsive, correct choice of wavelength, energy setting, technique, and use of complementary treatment modalities.

As such, the answer to which pico-laser is the “best” is always going to be highly subjective.

For patients, it is most important to find an Aesthetic doctor whom they trust and who is able to deliver the clinical results counselled safely.

Source: https://www.doctorxdentist.com/questions/with-so-many-pico-laser-machines-of-different-brands-and-wavelengths-available-how-can-a-patient-determine-which-would-be-the-most-effective-since-most-clinics-do-not-offer-more-than-one-type-of-pico-laser-for-the-sake-of-treatment-comparison

Q: Picocare vs Picosure?

Picosure is the first picosecond laser In the world. Although Picosure was the first pico laser, newer picosecond lasers have come onto the market and provide better rejuvenation for Asian and darker skin types. They are the Wontech Picocare and Lutronic Picoplus.

Picocare and Picoplus where both developed in Korea, so they were designed for and tested on Asian skin. Unlike the picosure laser which was designed and tested with caucasian skin.

Picosure has two wavelengths, whereas the Picocare has four 532 nm and 1064 nm to treat superficial and dermal pigmentation with lower energy safely. Specific toning techniques allow for treatment of melasma keeping the basal membrane intact and preventing deterioration of melasma condition.

Difference between Picosure and Pico Genesis?

While PicoSure and Pico Genesis do use similar tehcnoogy, they are not identical treatments. They are created by different companies and therefore the tools and some of the functionality is different. One of the main differences is that the Picosure technology was among the first picosecond lasers developed, and initially these lasers were intended for tattoo removal. Pico Genesis was developed later but with natural skin pigmentation in mind, which makes it an ideal treatment for hyperpigmentation, melasma, redness and sun damage. Both treatments boast short sessions, minima discomfort ad little to no recovery time. The number of treatments you might need will vary depending on your specific concerns. With Pico Genesis, sessions are spaced two weeks apart, many clients see results after just one treatment, and five treatments is generally recommended as the maximum. With Picosure, most clients need two to five treatments spaced two to six weeks apart. Both treatments can be customised to meet your needs; you will need to talk to your doctor to determine the right treatment and number of treatments for you.

Laser Genesis vs Pico Genesis

Laser Genesis and Pico Genesis are both developed by Cutera. Laser Genesis is a Nd:YAG based technology whereas Pico Genesis is a Picosecond based technology.

Cutera’s proprietary Laser Genesis procedure is a no-downtime, year-round aesthetic treatment, designed to help polish and perfect superficial skin revitalization concerns.

PICO Genesis™ - Unlike conventional laser toning that requires up to 15 treatment sessions and often leads to unpredictable results, PICO Genesis harnesses the power and flexibility of enlighten SR combined with its technical benefits in a dual-delivery procedure to selectively shatter pigment and induce dermal disruption and remodeling for true skin revitalization in fewer than three sessions.

PICO Genesis™ FX - Out of the 40-50 million Americans dealing with acne, up to 20 million may suffer from acne scars. PICO Genesis FX introduces an entirely new treatment technique to the enlighten platform beyond tattoo and pigment removal. By combining the 1064 nm wavelength with enlighten’s novel Micro Lens Array attachment, providers can safely and effectively address acne scars, skin texture, and quality, and pores on all skin types.

Picolaser vs Carbon Laser

Lighter skin (Types I-IV) lacks the necessary chromophore saturation needed for laser rejuvenation – basically, the laser has little to no color to focus on. But with the advent of the carbon peel, fairer skin types can significantly multiply the results of laser rejuvenation without ANY downtime! Pure activated carbon particles absorb dirt, oil, dead cells, sebum and other unwanted contaminants, like leftover makeup, sunscreen & skincare products. 

After the mixture is allowed to dry, it is targeted by either the pico laser or any other facial rejuvenation laser e.g. Q switch, Nd:Yag etc. As the laser’s energy instantaneously vaporizes the carbon-mask particles, the engulfed contaminants are also destroyed and removed. The resulting new tissues tighten skin and diminish pore size. 

A carbon laser treatment is completely painless with minimal-to-zero downtime. It is highly beneficial for people with oily skin, blackheads, enlarged pores, dull skin, and acne on the face. A layer of liquid carbon is applied to the skin, where it penetrates deep into the pores. The result is tighter, brighter skin that looks, feels and is completely refreshed. There’s virtually no pain so no numbing cream is required. The results are instantaneous and improve over the next 4-8 weeks as the skin undergoes rejuvenation.

Three to five treatments over a period of 2 to 3 months with a booster treatment every six months is recommended for the best results.


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