Supplements for Muscle Fatigue and Soreness 2024

Muscle fatigue and soreness are common experiences for anyone who engages in physical activity, whether it's intense workouts, sports, or even daily tasks that strain muscles. 

Muscle Fatigue Causes

Muscle fatigue occurs when muscles become tired during physical activity due to the depletion of energy reserves, primarily ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This can result from intense or prolonged exercise, insufficient rest, or inadequate nutrition.

On the other hand, muscle soreness, also known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), typically occurs 24 to 72 hours after exercise and is caused by microscopic damage to muscle fibers, inflammation, and the buildup of waste products like lactic acid.

How to Overcome Muscle Fatigue and Soreness

  • Proper Warm-up: A proper warm-up can reduce muscle soreness. A study suggests that warm-up performed immediately prior to exercise resulted in small reductions in delayed-onset muscle soreness. However, it also notes that cool-down, performed after exercise, did not have a significant effect on reducing muscle soreness.
  • Gradual Progression: Avoid overexerting yourself by gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts. This allows your muscles to adapt and become stronger over time, reducing the risk of fatigue and soreness.
  • Adequate Rest and Recovery: Giving your muscles time to rest and recover is essential for preventing fatigue and soreness. Make sure to get enough sleep each night and incorporate rest days into your workout routine to allow for proper recovery.
  • Hydration and Nutrition: Staying hydrated and fueling your body with the right nutrients, including carbohydrates, protein, and electrolytes, can help prevent muscle fatigue and promote faster recovery.

Supplements for Muscle Fatigue and Soreness

A. Creatine Supplement

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound that is found in small amounts in foods like meat and fish. It is also produced by the body in small quantities, mainly in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Creatine plays an imporntant role in supplying energy to cells, particularly during high-intensity, short-duration activities like weightlifting, sprinting, and jumping.

Due to its ability to increase ATP production, creatine has gained popularity as a dietary supplement among athletes and bodybuilders. According to a study, creatine supplementation combined with complex training improved maximal muscular strength and reduced muscle damage during training. 

1. Creatine Monohydrate Powder - Best Creatine Powder

BULKSUPPLEMENTS.COM Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine Monohydrate powder, a creatine powder, helps boost energy to your muscles, which support performance.* Our Micronized Creatine powder allows you to have more energy throughout the day. In addition, this creatine supplement may also help with recovery between sets allowing you to push harder and longer than before!*

Our Creatine powder is also flavorless and has no artificial flavors. Simply add our pure creatine powder to any pre-workout shake and you're good to go!

Supplement your Workout 
Take our pure & unflavored Creatine Monohydrate powder daily to support your workouts. Each serving contains 5g, about 2 tsp, and our creatine powder is free of gluten, dairy and soy for those with dietary restrictions. Add our Creatine supplement into your daily routine and regimen in easy to use powder!

Ratings: 4.6 out of 5 - more than 42,000 global ratings

I bought this product after days af doing research and going through 100s of reviews of many many different brands. This one seem to stick out from the commotion so I bought it in hoped it will love up to the reviews.

It DID! 100% pure. Blends so smoothly, has no flavor and wow does it give me and endurance boost. My muscles tend to get tired very quickly when I workout which leads me to do a short and unsatisfied workout. I’m 5 days in and have been taking 5grams x4 a day. Yesterday i noticed a vast increase in my muscle endurance!! I comfortably worked out harder than I usually do and was able to push myself past my usual fatigue point with ease. I’m excited to see where this takes me!

2. Thorne Creatine Monohydrate Powder

Thorne Creatine - Creatine Monohydrate Powder

- Muscle Mass
Creatine is an amino acid that promotes lean body mass and supports increases in muscle endurance, muscle capacity, and power output*

- Cellular Energy Production
Creatine helps the cells of the body more efficiently create energy, thus benefiting exercise capacity*

- Brain Function
Although creatine is known for its muscle-enhancing benefits, it has also been shown to support cognitive function*

- NSF Certified For Sport
Supports high-performance nutrition programs and is NSF Certified for Sport

- Trusted
Thorne is chosen by champions and trusted by 100+ pro teams. Thorne is the only supplement manufacturer to collaborate with Mayo Clinic on wellness research and content. Thorne is also a proud partner of 11 U.S. Olympic Teams

Ratings: 4.6 out of 5 - more than 8,000 global ratings

Really like this creatine. I've had others that were very sour and difficult to drink, but not this one! Has no flavor so I am able to mix it with protien shakes or even juice. I also didn't experience any stomach upset that other people are reporting so it's just a case by case situation.

Results from using this creatine are very noticeable within a week for me. My muscles feel more firm have more explosiveness in my sets. And also from my experience I feel less sore the day after a good work out. I recommend anybody try it out for themselves.

B. Magnesium Supplement

Magnesium is an essential mineral for human health, it is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including energy metabolism, protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, and many more.

A study suggests that magnesium supplementation (350 mg·day-1 for 10 days) significantly reduced muscle soreness compared to a placebo group. Additionally, the perceptual responses for session rating of perceived exertion and acute rating of perceived exertion were significantly improved with magnesium supplementation. 

3. Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium Glycinate Lysinate

Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium Glycinate Lysinate


Ratings: 4.6 out of 5 – more than 60,000 global ratings
#2 Amazon Best Seller in Magnesium Mineral Supplement Category

High Absorption Magnesium uses a patented, organic, chelated delivery form of magnesium to optimize bioavailability and GI tolerance. It is not buffered and is more absorbable than magnesium oxide.

High Absorption Magnesium is made with Albion minerals TRAACS, 100% not buffered. Albion unique chelated mineral, scientific process turns elemental minerals form into an absorbed nutrient that’s gentle on your stomach with no laxative effects.

This is good quality and makes me sleep really well and helps muscles soreness

4. Nature Made Magnesium Glycinate - Supports Muscle Relaxation

Nature Made Magnesium Glycinate - Supports Muscle Relaxation


Best Magnesium Supplement for Leg Cramps

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a role in over 300 important reactions in the body.

100% chelated. Contains a 30-day supply, 60 Magnesium Glycinate capsules, 2 per day. Adults take 2 capsules daily, with water and a meal.

Specially formulated for better GI tolerance. No color added, no artificial flavors, gluten-free.

4.6 out of 5 – more than 1,100 global ratings

I like this med because it does keep my legs from severely cramping in the middle of the night. Since I started taking it
Which was about 3 weeks ago, I’ve only had one minor little cramp in my calf in the middle of the night. So they definitely
Work but it has to be magnesium glycinate, not citrate in case some one who reads this wants to try Magnesium too.

C. BCAAs Supplement

BCAA supplementation may be beneficial for post-exercise recovery. The study found that individuals who supplemented with BCAAs reported less muscle soreness at certain time points (48 and 72 hours) compared to those who took a placebo. Additionally, BCAA supplementation led to a lower creatine kinase (CK) level at 48 hours post-exercise, indicating potentially faster muscle recovery.

However, it's important to note that when BCAAs were consumed alongside a diet containing sufficient protein (~1.2 g/kg/day), the effects on muscle performance and CK levels were likely negligible. Therefore, while BCAA supplementation may help reduce muscle soreness after muscle-damaging exercise, its impact on overall recovery may vary depending on individual dietary protein intake.

5. Nutricost BCAA 1000mg

Nutricost BCAA 1000mg

Nutricost's BCAA capsules deliver 1,000 mg of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) per serving in the 2:1:1 ratio of Leucine (500mg) to L-Isoleucine (250mg) and L-Valine (250mg). There are 500 capsules for 250 servings per bottle.

- Easy to Swallow Capsules
- Non-GMO, Gluten Free, 3rd Party Tested
- Made in a GMP Compliant, FDA Registered Facility

Ratings: 4.6 out of 5 - more than 1,120 global ratings
I ordered these because they are very well priced thought I will give them a try. I can promise you they work well with muscle soreness and helps with muscle building

6. Optimum Nutrition BCAA 1000

Optimum Nutrition BCAA 1000

Optimum Nutrition, Inc. (ON) is part of Glanbia, a leading international cheese and nutritional ingredients group. ON owns and operates two premium sports nutrition brands, Optimum Nutrition and American Body Building (A.B.B.). 

Ratings: 4.6 out of 5 - more than 14,200 global ratings

I took a few months off from lifting recently (been lifting for 3-4 years) and for my introduction back into my routine, I took two of these before working out. I noticed that it reduced soreness a lot and actually seems to have sped up my muscle recovery to only a couple days (felt like deadlifting like 2 days later again, when I usually wouldn't for at least 3-4 days if I did a hard pull day and was just getting back into lifting). 

Granted, this was my first time actually trying BCAAs, so I can't compare it to other brands up Optimum seems to be a decent brand. Cheers.


a. Stretches for Sore Muscles 


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