Tru Niagen Review 2023: Is it Worth the Hype?

Tru Niagen is a dietary supplement designed to help men and women age naturally and healthily by promoting cellular growth and repair. With over 3 million bottles sold worldwide, the supplement aims to increase NAD+ levels, a crucial coenzyme for maintaining cellular health. While we can't stop the aging process, we can combat its physical effects.

Tru Niagen has gained a large following, with more than 25,000 on Facebook. The brand has also received attention from major media outlets such as the Daily Mail, Forbes, GQ, and Goop due to its impressive results. (R)

Although there are many Tru Niagen supplement customer reviews on many online sites, we have sifted and curated some of the helpful ones in this Tru Niagen review.

Tru Niagen Effectiveness

Research into Tru Niagen and its primary ingredient nicotinamide riboside (NR) is ongoing. Still, the research that exists is extremely promising. 

Here are six of their studies, just to name a few.
  1. A phase 3 randomized controlled study published in Advanced Science in 2021 (Read More)
  2. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2020 (Read More)
  3. A clinical study published in Scientific Reports in 2019 (Read More)
  4. A study published in Cell Reports in 2019 (Read More)
  5. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2018 (Read More)
  6. A study published in Nature Communications in 2018 (Read More)

Tru Niagen Safety

The US FDA has studied the unique B3 formulation patented by Tru Niagen. Specifically, the FDA found Tru Niagen to be safe at the company's recommended dosage of 300 mg per day. Tru Niagen enjoys NDI (New Dietary Ingredient) status. The FDA has issued three safety notifications thus far for Tru Niagen, validating it as a safe supplement.

Studies of humans taking even 1,000-2,000 mg per day of NR (significantly higher than recommended Tru Niagen dosage) showed no significant harmful effects, though some people taking this higher dose experienced mild side effects such as:
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhea

Tru Niagen pricing and quantities

Recurring shipments save you 15-30%, with the most savings coming with the largest shipments. You can schedule shipments to occur every one, two, three, four, five, or six months.

Tru-Niagen offers three options for their suggested 300mg/day dosage:
  • 300 mg capsule
  • 150 mg capsules (two capsules per serving)
  • 100 mg capsules
  • 300 mg stickpack of flavorless powder

tru niagen pricing

The company also offers Tru Niagen Pro, a product containing 500mg NR per capsule available exclusively through healthcare practitioners.

Tru Niagen 300mg capsules

The brand provides the two options of either buying the bottle through a one time purchase, or subscribing to the product. You can choose between 30, 90, or 180 capsules per bottle, and the more you buy, the more you save!

The retail price for a 30 capsule-bottle is $47, which will last you 30 days. However, the company website currently has the following discounted prices available for the different quantities that you can buy at a one time purchase, as listed below:
  • 90 capsules: $120 (savings of $21)
  • 180 capsules: $230 (savings of $52)
With the subscription option, the price is reduced even further, as listed below. You can choose to have it delivered every one, two, three, four, five, or six months:
  • 30 capsules: $40.00 per delivery (savings of $7)
  • 90 capsules: $105 per delivery (savings of $36)
  • 180 capsules: $198 per delivery (savings of $84)
The one time purchase option is also available on Amazon, for the same price.

Tru Niagen 100mg capsules

Tru Niagen 100mg is the smallest version of the supplement that works to promote cellular health. The bottle contains 30 capsules.
  • 30-count one-time purchase: $20 (Amazon)

Tru Niagen Stickpacks

A stickpack includes 30 individually packaged powder sticks. Drink the powder mixed with a beverage once per day. Each stick contains the suggested 300mg dose and healthy insoluble fiber inulin from chicory root extract. The stickpacks are the most expensive Tru Niagen product, but they're an excellent choice for those who prefer an alternative to pills.
  • 30-count one-time purchase: $54
  • 30-count subscription purchase: $49.95

64% of NMN Supplements Fail Tests

ChromaDex NMN Report (Oct 2021): Supplement manufacturer ChromaDex alleges that testing has revealed that more than half of NMN anti aging supplements being sold on Amazon contained almost none of the bioactive molecule.

ChromaDex markets TruNiagen, which is based on its branded Niagen ingredient, which is a form of nicotinamide riboside (NR), the form of nicotinamide that actively crosses into the cell to participate in the NAD+ pathway. Boosting this pathway, and thus maintaining cellular function at a lively, youthful level, has become a prominent theme in recent anti aging research.

Credit: ChromaDex

* The same distributor (SerumLab S&C International LLC) was listed on the product packaging from 10 of the 22 product brands.

Recently researchers have argued that a transporter exists for NMN too, which is something that ChromaDex disputes. It claims that NMN must first be converted into NR in the blood before it can be used by the cells.

In the several years since the NMN transporter discovery was asserted, the NAD+ anti aging field has become crowded with NMN based supplements all seeking a piece of the pie created by ChromaDex and its competitor and one time customer Elysium. (The two companies have been locked in various patent infringement and breach of contract suits for several years.)

Last fall, ChromaDex obtained 22 samples of NMN products being sold on Amazon. Of these, 14 claimed to contain 500 mg of NMN. A further two products claimed 300 mg on the label; five claimed 250 mg and one product claimed 125 mg.

Only one of the 500 mg products came close to meeting label claim. It had 456 mg of NMN. All of the other 13 products in the 500 mg group either came in at below reporting limit (BRL, defined as less than 1% of the stated amount) or, in the case of 3 products, no NMN was detected at all.

Almost all of the rest of the products performed better, having at least 88% of the label claim. A lone 250 mg product was identified as BRL.

In summary, ChromaDex said that 64% of the products tested contained less than 1% of the stated amount of the active ingredient, which should give consumers pause, the company said.

"While this is a limited snapshot of the vast NMN finished product landscape, it does provide a glimpse into the high variability of product quality that is available... According to this study, the majority of the products one might purchase online contain such a small amount of NMN that there would be no clinical benefits achieved from the dose. Another concern with these adulterated products is that the actual contents are not known and could pose a risk to the user," the company said in a statement.

Tru Niagen Immune Support Supplement (Nicotinamide Riboside with Vitamin D, C, Zinc and Curcumin)

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC) announced the company’s latest product innovation with the U.S. launch of Tru Niagen® Immune in April 2022, a first-of-its-kind combination of ChromaDex’s proprietary NAD-boosting ingredient Niagen® (patented nicotinamide riboside or NR), high-quality and proven immune-boosting nutrients (vitamins C, D, and zinc) for the optimal maintenance of aging cells, and Theracurmin® (a superior form of curcumin). NAD+ is important to the healthy function of immune cells and is depleted by up to 80% when the body is under immune stress. Born from consumer insights, this new innovation was created to fulfill a customer need for an immune product. Tru Niagen Immune is now available online in the United States.

Ratings: 4.4 out of 5 - more than 50 reviews

Niagen vs Tru Niagen

NIAGEN® is the only proprietary nicotinamide riboside (NR) approved as a New Dietary Ingredient and that has achieved GRAS status.

In 2013, ChromaDex commercialized NIAGEN® nicotinamide riboside (“NR”), a novel form of vitamin B3. Data from numerous animal studies, and confirmed in human clinical trials, show that NR is a highly efficient NAD precursor that significantly raises NAD levels. NIAGEN® is safe for human consumption with no adverse side effects. NIAGEN® has twice been successfully reviewed under FDA’s new dietary ingredient (“NDI”) notification program, and has also been successfully notified to the FDA as generally recognized as safe (“GRAS”).

NIAGEN® is the trade name for Chromadex's proprietary NR ingredient, and protected by patents. 

Chromadex's finished Niagen product is sold under the brand Tru Niagen.

Tru Niagen vs Elysium Basis

Elysium's main NR product, called Basis, contains 250mg of NR and 50mg of pterostilbene, an antioxidant found in certain foods like blueberries. While studies show that pterostilbene has anti-inflammation, anti-tumor, and neuroprotective effects, some research suggests it can be problematic for cholesterol (particularly for LDL).

Basis is also much pricier than Tru Niagen at $60/bottle (a month's supply) with a one-time order. Setting up a monthly subscription brings the cost down to $50/bottle, and a year's prepaid subscription puts each bottle at $40 (R).

Several years ago, ChromaDex petitioned the FDA to investigate Elysium for the presence of toluene in its Basis supplement. (For some background, ChromaDex originally supplied the NR and pterostilbene for Basis, but the business relationship dissolved in 2016.)

This reaction and the presence of even small amounts of toluene are pretty discouraging in a supplement, particularly when other products, such as Tru Niagen, are available. Small quantities of toluene should not be permissible in a product intended to be taken daily in perpetuity.

Tru Niagen vs. Thorne

Thorne offers a product called ResveraCel with 415mg of its proprietary form of NR (bound to hydrogen malate) and three additional anti-aging ingredients: trans-resveratrol, quercetin phytosome, and betaine anhydrous. It's considerably cheaper than Elysium's Basis and on par with Tru Niagen's pricing. While Thorne's product presents a comparably priced alternative for those interested in multiple anti-aging ingredients, Tru Niagen, for now, remains the simplest and most studied source of NR.

Tru Niagen vs. Life Extension

Life Extension sells NAD+ Cell Regenerator, which contains the patented Niagen owned by ChromaDex, the maker of Tru Niagen. You get the same active ingredient at the same dose. At first glance, Life Extension may appear to offer a superior price. However, since subscribers can take 15% off their purchase of Tru Niagen, you can get the original product from the original manufacturer for less (R).

About Chromadex

Niagen is the flagship ingredient of Tru Niagen's parent company, ChromaDex, a nutraceutical company focused on the research and development of products that improve how we age. Chromadex is a global bioscience company dedicated to healthy aging.  ChromaDex, Inc. is listed on NASDAQ, stock name CDXC.

ChromaDex scientists are working hard on numerous studies with universities and researchers to understand what NAD does within our bodies. Along the way, ChromaDex is cataloging and providing reference materials on nearly 2,000 phytochemicals thus far, with the list continuing to grow.

In addition to Dr. Brenner (who discovered the pathway for NR to stimulate NAD production), the company relies on a board of distinguished scientists to advise the company on the safety of their product and on necessary studies to conduct. The board includes:
  • Two Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry
  • Leading authorities in Alzheimer's and breast cancer research
  • Two nutritional experts
Tru Niagen has over 20 licensed patents and collaborations in over a hundred studies of NR and NAD. There have been five clinical studies published so far.

ChromaDex has over 140 partnerships with leading universities and research institutions around the world including the National Institutes of Health, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Scripps Research Institute and the Mayo Clinic.

TRU Niagen NAD+ Booster Supplement

TRU Niagen NAD+ Supplements come in 3 sizes:

Amazon Best Sellers: #1 in Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Supplements.

- ChromaDex markets TruNiagen, which is based on its branded Niagen ingredient, which is a form of nicotinamide riboside (NR), the form of nicotinamide that actively crosses into the cell to participate in the NAD+ pathway. 
- Reduces the cellular effects of aging by elevating NAD+, a key coenzyme your body uses for healthy cellular metabolism.
- Nicotinamide Riboside for Energy, Metabolism, Vitality, Muscle Health, Healthy Aging, Cellular Repair 
- Unlike NMN, our key ingredient Niagen was successfully notified two times as an NDI (New Dietary Ingredient) and reviewed as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) under the United States notification programs.

Everyday Renewal
Tru Niagen takes repair down to the foundation of our health, your cells. Every day, our cells are exposed to environmental toxins, hazardous compounds, and pathogens. These environmental factors and pathogens attempt to attack our DNA. Tru Niagen helps counteract this damage by activating tiny repair enzymes called sirtuins.

Fight Daily Stressors
Things like poor diet, alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, sun-exposure, and lack of exercise can be taxing on the body. These stressors affect us on the cellular level, putting our cells into overdrive in order to repair the damage. Tru Niagen helps combat these metabolic stressors.

Fitness Support
Tru Niagen helps fuel your workout and helps you recover after. It gives you fuel by supercharging your cells—focusing on continuous energy, not jolts of energy. After your workout is over, Tru Niagen helps you recover from intense exercise by boosting NAD+, a key coenzyme needed for cellular repair.

Lasting Energy
Tru Niagen promotes natural energy production deep in your cells. There are no stimulants like caffeine added. Tru Niagen helps provide every day sustaining energy through your body's natural energy-generating mechanisms.

Amazon Review:
While this is not a scientific review I have been taking Niagen in one form or another non stop for several years. I have been gradually increasing my doses with what I can only describe as a profound effect. Without a doubt I feel younger than 46. I also think I look younger than most people my age. I certainly don't feel my age and have a ton of energy every single day. I also try to eat plenty of vegetables with lots of non meat proteins along with limited meat consumption. I am not a health nut but basically try to stay away excess sugars and processed foods whenever I can. I also do a hard bike ride once or twice a week. I think this also helps the entire aging process some.

Over 75% of registered ongoing or completed nicotinamide riboside trials use Niagen®. 


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