Dave Pascoe Supplement List 2024

Dave Pascoe’s interest in longevity and biohacking wasn’t because he wanted to reverse aging — he wanted to avoid illness and frailty. He didn't just hope for it to happen but actively worked towards it. And the outcome has been nothing but impressive. At 61, Dave looks and feels like he’s 38. How does he do it? Learn about his daily routine, supplement regimen, and the lifestyle choices that help him maintain his youthfulness.

What is Dave Pascoe known for?

Dave Pascoe is a retired network security engineer turned full-time biohacker who’s managed to turn back the aging clock without spending millions of dollars. Instead, Dave follows a regular routine that includes lifestyle modifications, supplements, innovative technologies, and holistic wellness therapies to optimize health.

Pascoe's routine is called biohacking, a health optimization practice aimed at improving physical and cognitive function, enhancing longevity and youthfulness, and achieving overall wellness.

Currently, Dave is in the top 10 of the Rejuvenation Olympics, a list of 1,750 biohacking individuals who’ve had the most significant age reversal results. This means their biological age is significantly lower than their actual age.

What is Dave Pascoe’s biological age?

Dave Pascoe’s biological age is 38, about 24 years younger than his chronological age of 61. Biological age is an integrated metric of various factors such as genetics, lifestyle, nutrition, and comorbidities and may not necessarily correlate with your chronological age, which is the number of years since birth.

Simply put, genetics, nutrition, lifestyle, and overall health influence your biological age. Though you can’t change your genetics or avoid all health problems, lifestyle modifications may help address the genomic instability that is one of the hallmarks of the body’s physiological deterioration or aging process.

Dave Pascoe started his anti-aging journey as a way to avoid health problems by making intentional lifestyle choices. But as a constant self-experimenter who wants to extend his health and lifespan, Dave upgraded his routine for health optimization and performance enhancement.

What does Dave Pascoe do to reverse his age?

Pascoe takes a holistic wellness approach to age reversal, like exercise, nutrition, and sleep. His approach addresses the hallmarks of aging, including genomic instability, telomere shortening, changes in gene expression, alterations in functional proteins, and cellular dysfunction from the accumulation of damaged proteins in the cell.

Dave Pascoe Supplement List

According to Dave Pascoe (source): 

The following is my present supplements list and timing, currently leaning towards hormone, mitochondria & telomere support, with methylation and MTOR inducers in the mornings, and AMPK, Sirtuin, and Autophagy inducers in the evenings, plus brain, immunity, and intestinal support.

I typically will cycle OFF nearly all of my Morning and Evening supplements for the weekend.

Some supplements should be cycled, but keeping track of which ones and when to cycle them would complicate my supplementation regimen considerably! I like to automate my supplementation as much as possible, because frankly, I have much better things to have to think about each day, so cycling off nearly everything each weekend simplifies that task greatly, and it does no harm! It also makes packing for a weekend getaway a lot easier!

I'm very relaxed when it comes to my supplementation. I'm not militant about it. I look at it this way: I don't need supplements to live. Taking them is a Plus. Taking them enhances my nutrition, life, health, and longevity. The very last thing I want or need in my life is to mentally stress-out over my exercise, nutrition, or supplementation.

This supplement list does NOT constitute any recommendation. Pregnant or nursing women should avoid taking certain supplements. Before starting any new supplement, you should always consult with your health care practitioner to understand any contraindications or interactions with other medications that you may be taking. Descriptions of reported benefits come from readily available online sources and do not constitute any personal claim on my part.

My only recommendation to others, beyond consulting your healthcare provider: DON'T take supplements without measuring first to see if you need them and then secondly, to see how they are affecting you. TEST, don't guess.

Every body is different. This list is tailor made for my specific physiology and is an ever-moving target as I continue my experimentation. This a merely a current snapshot in time. I am also still working on the adjustment to my various supplement's timing and settling upon the best supplement brands for me, taking quality & cost into consideration.

I perform monthly LifeExtension / LabCorp blood draws (CBC, CMP, Electrolytes, Lipids, and quarterly Hormones), annual TraceElements Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) and SpectraCell Micronutrient panels to aid in tweaking my markers via diet & supplementation, not merely into the standard reference ranges (which are the average values for known-sick people of my chronological age), but instead toward the identified optimal ranges for healthy collegiate athletes.

Pre/Post Workout Supplement Shake:

Consumption and contents vary, depending upon variables such as fasting status, and whether I’m pushing autophagy or pushing MTOR and growth.

Almond Milk, 12 oz, unsweetened

Aminos, 1 scoop (8g) - amino acids are the building blocks for everything, stimulating and aiding protein synthesis to build and repair muscle tissues, preserving muscle mass, improving exercise performance, reducing muscle soreness, protecting immune function, metabolic and digestive health, aid in forming precursor molecules for the formation of neurotransmitters in the brain, aiding in weight loss, better sleep, and mood.

Colostrum, 2 scoops (2g) - Colostrum is the first milk released by the mammary glands after giving birth. Colostrum is high in antibodies and other protective substances that can help fight infection, prevent jaundice, support gut function, and help the body fight disease-causing agents. Colostrum has potential for muscular-skeletal repair and growth.

Athletic Greens (AG1), 1 scoop (12g) - 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving.

Beetroot Powder, 1 scoop (5g) - Beets have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help in controlling oxidative stress and inflammation, increase blood flow to muscles and the brain, increase energy, and feed the good bacteria in your gut. Beetroot is also a great source of fiber, folate (vitamin B9), potassium, manganese, iron, and vitamin C.

Beta Alanine, 1 scoop (3.2g) - is a building block of carnosine, a molecule that helps buffer acid in muscles. It can help increase strength, endurance, and recovery. May have antioxidant, immune-enhancing, and anti-aging properties. It may also help facilitate nitric oxide production, which can help increase blood circulation, lower blood pressure, and promote overall heart health.

Collagen Peptides, 2 scoops (12g) - for joint, bone, skin, digestive, and brain health.

Creatine Monohydrate, 1 scoop (5g) - helps muscles produce energy and grow, which can increase muscle mass and strength. It can also improve the capacity to perform high-intensity exercises by replenishing ATP stores in muscles, and help muscles recover quicker after intense exercise. Creatine can help prevent cognitive fatigue after strenuous mental activity, and supports bone growth factors, which can increase bone formation and repair. Daily creatine supplementation may also help decrease osteoarthritis pain in older women.

D-Ribose, 1 scoop (5g) - a naturally occurring monosaccharide (sugar) that helps with ATP production in the mitochondria.

L-Citrulline, 1 scoop (3g) - boosts nitric oxide production in the body. Nitric oxide helps your arteries relax and work better, which improves blood flow throughout your body, boosting exercise performance and lowering blood pressure.

L-Glutamine, 2 scoops (10g) - a building block for making proteins, other amino acids, and glucose. Aids in repairing intestinal permeability, immune function, and other processes, especially in times of stress when the body uses more of it.

L-Leucine, 1 scoop (5g) - an essential amino acid that builds muscle mass, improves endurance and strength, slows muscle breakdown, improves insulin secretion and significantly reduces HbA1c levels, and aids skin and bone health and repair.

Lipids Powder, 1 scoop (1.2g) - Supports mitochondria, promotes healthy energy production, improves brain function, enhances cell renewal, revitalization, and restructuring, reduce fatigue, and restore mitochondrial function.

Lipisomal Glutathione - a strong antioxidant that helps the body produce, use, and recycle other antioxidants, counteracting free radicals, which may contribute to aging and some diseases. Glutathione can improve cellular function, respiration, and oxidation, and can help to reduce oxidative stress in the liver and decrease inflammation. Liposomal glutathione can help improve skin elasticity, making skin appear younger, and it protects the immune system.

Mitopure Powder, 1 packet (3g, containing 500mg of Urolithin A) - postbiotic nutrient shown to trigger a crucial recycling process within our cells called mitophagy, targeting age-related cellular decline.

Plant Sterol Extract, 10 drops - free radical scavenger.

Raw Phytoplankton, 1ml - the purest, most nutrient-rich phytoplankton on the planet

Reds Powder, 1 scoop (13.4g) - Red powders contain antioxidants that can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, can help improve heart health and blood flow, help increase natural energy levels, help with a healthy metabolism and weight management, improve immune system, nutrient absorption, relieve stomach discomfort, gas, and bloating and can help improve blood sugar control.

Trehalose, 1 scoop (5g) - a naturally occurring disaccharide (sugar) that reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, stabilizes blood sugar, protects cellular membranes and proteins, promotes autophagy, and improves the function of beta cells in the pancreas.

Whey Protein, 1 scoop (30g) - boosts muscle protein synthesis and the growth of lean muscle mass.

On-Waking Prescriptions & Supplements:


o Levothyroxine - 137mcg - Levothyroxine, also known as L-thyroxine, is a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (t4). It is used to treat thyroid hormone deficiency.

o Liothyronine - 25mcg - Liothyronine is a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3). It is used to treat hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone.

Bill Andrews TAM-818 - 375mg - TAM-818 by Dr. Bill Andrews is the strongest telomerase activator ever discovered and is scientifically proven to be more than 300 times stronger than any other anti-aging ingredient.

T.A.Sciences TA-65 - 25mg - TA-65 is a nutritional supplement extracted from Astragalus membranaceus’ dried root and can help maintain or rebuild telomeres. Astragalus membranaceus is also valued for strengthening the immune system and metabolic and respiratory functions.

DHEA - 10mg - Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone that is naturally produced by the adrenal gland in your body. DHEA helps produce other hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. Natural DHEA levels peak in early adulthood and then slowly fall as you age. People use DHEA as an anti-aging therapy and to improve physical performance. DHEA is also used to treat depression and symptoms of menopause. As a hormone, DHEA might increase levels of androgen and have a steroid effect. DHEA also might increase the risk of hormone-sensitive cancers, including prostate, breast and ovarian cancers. If you have any form of cancer or are at risk of cancer, don’t use DHEA. Don’t use DHEA if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Consider avoiding use of DHEA if you have high cholesterol or a condition that affects the supply of blood to the heart (ischemic heart disease). DHEA might reduce high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good,” cholesterol levels.

Pregnenolone - 50mg - Pregnenolone is a steroid hormone that is produced naturally in the body from cholesterol. It is involved in the synthesis of other steroid hormones, such as progesterone, DHEA, and estrogen. Pregnenolone has various effects on the brain, such as enhancing memory, learning, mood, and cognition. Some people take pregnenolone supplements to improve these functions or to treat conditions like depression, schizophrenia, autism, and back pain.

Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer with PQQ

Neo40 Pro - 425mg - Neo40 Professional is a clinically researched, patented technology that helps support healthy blood pressure levels already in the normal range, increase nitric oxide levels in the body, promote artery vasodilation for healthy blood flow, promote increased circulation throughout the body, support healthy arterial function, and support cardiovascular and heart health.

Morning Supplements (with breakfast):

Annatto-GG (Geranylgeraniol) - 300mg - A compound found in annatto seeds that may support healthy cholesterol levels, inflammation, and overall health.

Boron - 9mg - Boron is a trace mineral that is essential for bone health, as it helps to regulate calcium and magnesium levels in the body. This supplement can help to improve bone density, reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and support overall skeletal health.

TRU Niagen - nicotinamide riboside chloride - 300mg. One capsule daily can increase your blood NAD+ levels by up to 51% in as little as two weeks, and keep them elevated over time with ongoing supplementation. You can also take more than one capsule daily to increase your NAD+ levels even further, depending on your budget and how you feel after starting with 300mg.

Bio Stack Labs NAD Regen (trying out)

Test your NAD Level here.

Calcium D-Glucarate - 500mg - a compound found in many fruits and vegetables that supports the body's natural detoxification process by binding to toxins and promoting their elimination from the body.

LE Citicoline CDP Choline - 250mg - a naturally occurring compound found in the brain that can help to improve cognitive function, memory, and focus by increasing levels of acetylcholine and other neurotransmitters involved in learning and memory.

LE Super CLA Blend with Sesame Lignans - 3g - Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a type of fatty acid that can help to reduce body fat and support weight loss.

LE Super K - Vitamin K is a group of vitamins that help with blood clotting, wound healing, and bone health. Vitamin K activates osteocalcin, a protein that causes calcium to accumulate in bones and teeth. Vitamin K works with vitamin D to improve bone mineral density. Vitamin K positively affects the balance of calcium, a key mineral in bone metabolism. A deficiency in vitamin K2 can impair the process of removing calcium and increase the risk of calcification in blood vessels. It activates matrix GLA, a protein that removes calcium from soft tissues.

Grassfed Beef Liver - 3000mg - A source of vitamins and minerals, including iron, vitamin B12, and vitamin A, which may support healthy blood, immunity, and vision.

LE Endocannabinoid System Booster: A supplement designed to support the body's endocannabinoid system, which is involved in regulating various bodily processes, including sleep, appetite, and pain response.

LE Endothelial Defense: A supplement designed to support healthy blood vessels and circulation, including ingredients such as L-arginine, folic acid, and vitamin B6.

Ergo+ L-Ergothioneine - Ergothioneine is a naturally occurring amino acid and is a thiourea derivative of histidine, containing a sulfur atom on the imidazole ring, It may help protect against oxidative stress and support immune function.

Healthgevity Longevity - Anabolic Peptide Support. Healthgevity has selected PeptiStrong™, Senactiv® and AstraGin® which are all clinically proven ingredients to put your muscles in the best position to thrive regardless of your age.

HMB - (beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate) 1000mg - believed to have anti-catabolic properties that help reduce muscle breakdown, while also promoting muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth. In addition, HMB may also have anti-inflammatory effects and may be beneficial in preventing muscle loss due to aging or disuse.

Huperzine A - 200mcg - a compound derived from the Chinese club moss plant that has been shown to support cognitive function and memory by increasing levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in learning and memory.

LE Mega Lycopene - 15mg - is a potent antioxidant found in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables that has been linked to numerous health benefits, including improved heart health, reduced inflammation, and reduced risk of certain cancers.

Phosphatidylcholine - 1200mg - a naturally occurring compound found in cell membranes that can support cognitive function, improve mood, and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety

LE Pro-Resolving Mediators: A supplement designed to support the body's natural inflammatory response, including ingredients such as EPA and DHA.

LE SAMe - 400mg - S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) is the main methyl donor in the body. It is found in almost every tissue and fluid, and is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions. SAMe helps produce and regulate hormones and maintain cell membranes. It helps produce and break down brain chemicals, such as serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine. It works with vitamin B12 and folate (vitamin B9).

LE Super Absorbable Tocotrienols - 50mg - A form of vitamin E that is easily absorbed by the body and may support cardiovascular health, immunity, and cognitive function.

Tongkat Ali Complex - 1020mg - an herb that has been traditionally used to boost energy, stamina, and libido. This supplement combines Tongkat Ali with other herbs and nutrients to support healthy testosterone levels, increase muscle mass, and improve overall physical performance.

Vascanox (trying out) - supports nitric oxide metabolism.

LE Vitamin D3 - 8000 IU - Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), is a natural form of vitamin D that the body produces from sunlight. Vitamin D3 helps the body absorb calcium and phosphate from food, which is important for bone and muscle strength. It helps support the immune system, is involved in the production and regulation of neurotransmitters like serotonin, which is important for mood regulation and overall mental well-being, and improves resistance to certain diseases.

Ultra Zeaxanthin (with Lutein) - 6mg - A combination of carotenoids that are found in the retina and may support healthy vision.

Morning AND Evening Supplements:

Arterosil - a patented blend of nutrients that provides endothelial glycocalyx support for healthy blood vessels and circulation by promoting the production of nitric oxide.

Astaxanthin - 12mg - a potent antioxidant found in marine algae and seafood that is known for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. This supplement can help to protect the skin from damage caused by sun exposure, reduce joint pain, and improve cardiovascular health.

DoNotAge Ca-AKG - 800mg - Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG) acts as a nitrogen scavenger and can prevent nitrogen overload and prevent the build-up of excessive ammonia. It is also a key source of glutamate and glutamine, which stimulates protein synthesis and inhibits protein degradation in the muscles.

Nuticost DIM - 300mg - Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables that can help to balance hormone levels and promote overall health. This supplement can help to reduce acne, PMS symptoms, and other conditions associated with hormonal imbalance.

Ester-C - 1000mg - a patented form of vitamin C that is designed to be more easily absorbed and utilized by the body than traditional vitamin C supplements. This supplement can help to support immune function, reduce inflammation, and promote collagen production for healthy skin and joints.

Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract (AGE) - 600mg - According to research, AGE can help prevent the progression of atherosclerosis, a condition in which plaque builds up in the arteries and can lead to heart disease.

DoNotAge Pure Hyaluronic Acid - 200mg - a polysaccharide molecule that is one of the chief components of connective tissue, forming a gelatinous matrix that surrounds cells, and is used for skin hydration and flexibility, and joint lubrication.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) - 4000 mg - a precursor to glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and supports healthy liver function.

LE Super R-Lipoic Acid - 240mg - a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and supports healthy insulin function. It can help to improve blood sugar control, boost energy levels, and reduce inflammation.

Taurine - 4000mg - an amino acid that is essential for cardiovascular health and muscle function. This supplement can help to improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, and support healthy heart function.

TMG Betaine - 3000mg - a nutrient that supports liver function, methylation processes, and cardiovascular health.

LE Two-Per-Day Multivitamin - a multivitamin that provides a balanced blend of essential vitamins and minerals to support overall health and well-being.

Jarrow Ubiquinol - 200mg - Ubiquinol is the active form of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), which is an important nutrient for energy production and cellular health. This supplement can help to support cardiovascular health, boost energy levels, and slow down the aging process.

Evening Supplements:

Pendulum Akkermansia - a strain of probiotic bacteria known for its ability to support healthy weight management and reduce inflammation.

DoNotAge Pure Apigenin - 500mg - mainly used to regulate CD38 levels and help boost NAD+ levels. Also known to reduce: Inflammation, risk of cancer, feelings of anxiety and/or depression. Known to lower cholesterol, protects against oxidative stress, and provides relief from rheumatoid arthritis.

Arachidonic Acid - 1500mg - a fatty acid that is a precursor to certain inflammatory molecules in the body and may be used to support muscle growth and athletic performance.

LE Optimized Ashwagandha - 125mg - an adaptogenic herb that can help reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and support cognitive function.

Extra Strength Avmacol (sulforaphane & myrosinase) - 480mg - Sulforaphane, a compound found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, has been found to induce autophagy in several types of cells, including cancer cells. Sulforaphane has been shown to activate the Nrf2 pathway, which plays a key role in promoting cellular turnover and protecting against oxidative stress. Myrosinase is an enzyme that helps activate sulforaphane.

Bacopa - 350mg - can help to improve cognitive function, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote overall well-being.

Thorne Berbercap Berberine - 200mg - a compound found in several medicinal herbs that has been shown to support healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. This supplement can help to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and promote weight loss. Also a great alternative to metformin.

Beta-Glucans - polysaccharides found in certain plants and fungi that can help to support immune function, reduce inflammation, and regulate blood sugar levels.

LE Bilberry Extract - 100mg - known for its high concentration of antioxidants called anthocyanins. These compounds can help to improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation in the body, which may be beneficial for eye health, joint pain, and overall well-being.

LE Optimized Broccoli and Cruciferous Blend - This supplement combines a blend of cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, kale, and cauliflower, that are rich in antioxidants and nutrients to support overall health and well-being. It can help to boost immune function, protect against oxidative damage, and support healthy detoxification processes in the body.

NOW L-Carnitine - 1000mg - L-Carnitine is an amino acid that plays a key role in energy production and metabolism. This supplement can help to improve physical performance, boost energy levels, and support weight management by facilitating the breakdown of fats for energy.

LE Super Carnosine - 500mg - Carnosine is a dipeptide found in muscle tissue that is known for its powerful antioxidant properties. This supplement can help to improve athletic performance, reduce muscle fatigue, and support healthy aging by protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Chromium Picolinate - 500mcg - a trace mineral that can help to regulate blood sugar levels and promote insulin sensitivity.

Ultracur Curcumin - 1200mg - Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, a spice known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

NOW EGCg Green Tea Extract - 400mg - Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) is a powerful antioxidant and bioactive compound found in green tea. It is believed to inhibit the formation of free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage, reduce inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity, improve cardiovascular health, support weight loss, promote cognitive function, and support healthy metabolism.

Fatty15 - Affiliate Link - a supplement that contains a fatty acid called C15:0, which has been shown to support cellular health and longevity.

Ginkgo Biloba - 500mg - known for its ability to improve blood flow, support cognitive function, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression by promoting relaxation and calming the nervous system.

Geroprotect Longevity AI: A blend of nutrients designed to support healthy aging and longevity, including antioxidants, polyphenols, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Geroprotect Ageless Cell: A supplement designed to support healthy aging by promoting cell repair and regeneration, including ingredients such as resveratrol and curcumin.

Geroprotect Stem Cell: A formula designed to support the growth and maintenance of stem cells, which are involved in tissue repair and regeneration.

LE Glucosamine Chondroitin - 1700mg - Glucosamine and chondroitin are two naturally occurring substances found in cartilage that can help to reduce joint pain and inflammation. Together they promote healthy joints, mobility, and flexibility.

LE Grapeseed Extract - 100mg - a concentrated source of powerful antioxidants called proanthocyanidins, which are known for their ability to neutralize free radicals and protect cells from damage. This supplement may help to improve skin health, promote cardiovascular health, and reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Heliocare (Fernblock) - 240mg - Fernblock protects skin cells and maintains their structure by increasing collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin. This prevents wrinkle formation, loss of firmness, reduces the intensity and size of sun spots, and improves skin resistance to pigmentation.

Healthycell AC-11 - Supports health span by enhancing the body's natural ability to repair DNA, clear out damaged cells, limit "inflammaging" and enhance immune function.

Swanson L. Reuteri Plus - (L. Reuteri, L. Rhamnosus, L. Acidophilus) - a blend of three probiotic strains that can help to support gut health, boost immune function, and reduce symptoms of digestive disorders.

LE Lactoferrin - 300mg - a protein found in milk that has been shown to support immune function, reduce inflammation, and support gut health.

Sunflower Lecithin - 1.2g - a natural source of choline, an essential nutrient that supports brain health and nervous system function. It can help to improve memory and cognitive function, as well as reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Luteolin - 100mg - a bioflavonoid found in plants such as celery, parsley, and chamomile that has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help to support cognitive function, protect against oxidative damage, and improve skin health.

LE Lithium Orotate - 1000mcg - a form of the element lithium that has been studied for its potential anti-aging effects, its ablity to protect against age-related cognitive decline, and may even help increase lifespan. Some studies in humans have found that individuals who live in areas with higher levels of lithium in the water supply tend to have lower rates of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

LE L-Lysine - 620mg - an essential amino acid that plays a key role in protein synthesis and collagen production.

Nattokinase (proprietary blend) - is an enzyme found in fermented soybeans that has been shown to support cardiovascular health and reduce blood clots.

Nutrafol - Physician-formulated for visibly thicker, stronger hair.

Magnesium Breakthrough (proprietary blend) - Magnesium is a key mineral that plays a role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including energy production, muscle function, and nerve transmission. This supplement provides a blend of magnesium forms to promote relaxation, sleep quality, and overall health.

Milk Thistle - 175mg - contains a potent antioxidant called silymarin that can help to protect the liver from damage and promote overall liver health and detoxification.

LE MSM - 3g - a sulfur-containing compound found in plants that can help to reduce inflammation and support joint health.

Gundry MD Power Phenols - innovative anti-aging formula wit BrainPhyt and Lutein to support brain and vision health.

Pterostilbene - 100mg - a naturally occurring compound found in blueberries and other fruits that is similar to resveratrol in structure and function. It has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may help to support overall health, cognitive function, and longevity.

LE Pycnogenol - 100mg - is a standardized extract of French maritime pine bark that is rich in procyanidins, which are a type of flavonoid with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This supplement can help to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and support healthy aging by protecting cells from oxidative damage.

Red Yeast Rice - 1200mg - contains a compound called monacolin K, which is similar to statin medications used to lower cholesterol.

LE Resveratrol - 222mg - a polyphenol found in grapes and other plant-based sources that is known for its potent antioxidant properties. This supplement can help to reduce inflammation, improve heart health, and promote healthy aging by supporting the body's cellular processes, including autophagy.

NOW Saw Palmetto Extract - is believed to help increase testosterone levels, improve prostate health, reduce inflammation, prevent hair loss, and enhance urinary tract function.

High Potency Serrapeptase - 120,000 SPU - an enzyme produced by silkworms that has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce pain and swelling and promote healing.

DoNotAge Sirt6Activator - 1600mg - a specially curated, all-natural product, derived from seaweed. It promotes DNA repair, protects telomeres, supports genomic stability and reduces inflammation.

Source Naturals SOD Power - 250mg - contains a natural form of the enzyme Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), which is an important antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Spermidine - a polyamine compound found in certain foods that has been shown to support cellular health, autophagy, and longevity.

StemRegen - Natural ingredients promoting stem cell release and migration that can help the natural repair system of the body.

Stinging Nettle Root Extract - 750mg - a traditional herbal remedy known for its ability to support healthy urinary function, reduce inflammation, and alleviate joint pain. This supplement provides a concentrated dose of Stinging Nettle Root to promote prostate health and alleviate symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Zinc - 30mg - A trace mineral that plays a role in immune function, cell growth and repair, and the production of enzymes and hormones.

Every other week, if not weekly:

Rapamycin (Sirolimus nanoparticles) - 6mg - a drug that belongs to the class of mTOR inhibitors. It is used as an immunosuppressant in organ transplantation and also has applications in the treatment of vascular malformations and tumors. Sirolimus works by inhibiting the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which is a protein kinase that regulates cell growth, proliferation, and survival. It has been found to increase life expectancy in mice and model organisms. Rapamycin enhances autophagy, a process that removes unnecessary, abnormal, and damaged components within cells and prevents cells from stress. I generally take Rapamycin (RapaPro) on Friday nights, before bed.

One week/month in evening:

DoNotAge Fisetin - 800mg - a flavonoid that has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It may support cognitive function, promote healthy aging, autophagy, and reduce inflammation.

DoNotAge Pure Quercetin - 800mg - is a flavonoid that has powerful antioxidant properties. It has been shown to support immune function, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy aging and autophagy.

LE Theaflavin - 350mg - polyphenol found in black tea that has been shown to support cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy aging.

Editor's Note:

Dave Pascoe consumes an overwhelming amount of supplements, which might be too much for the average consumer. Biohackers are often early adopters of the latest health optimization tools. They are advocates for the fact that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for health, so they enjoy experimenting and even being among the first ones to take the risk to test these products and see how their body reacts. Their self-experimentation is often coupled with self-quantification, which allows them to have objective data on how their biohacks impact their health and longevity. Such a personalized approach to health can be very empowering.

Biohacking practices vary for each individual, and so they should. Everyone has a different biology and health goal; therefore, each biohacking tool or modality may have a varying impact on one’s health. Whether it’s to increase healthspan, manage a health condition or mitigate the effect of harmful environmental factors, there are certain biohacks that one should take with a grain of salt. Most biohacks work best under the Goldilocks principle, so remember that more isn’t always better, and hormetic stressors can go a long way.

Start small, test and retest to track any changes in health status and figure out what the right amount of biohack is beneficial. Additionally, be sure to do research and consult with a healthcare professional before jumping on any trending biohacking bandwagon.


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