Hair Transplant Kuala Lumpur - Cost and Reviews 2023

Looking for the best hair transplant clinic in KL for your hair loss treatment? We've got you covered in this hair transplant or hair implant guide.

FUE hair transplant, or follicular unit extraction hair transplant, is a minimally invasive method used to harvest and transplant hair. The treatment removes individual follicular units directly from your scalp, which are then replanted into the required site of the scalp.

If you are looking to find the best aesthetic clinic for your hair transplant procedure, you may wish to check out related reviews and prices from customers who 'have been there, done that'. Most customers will rely on 'word of mouth' referrals and Google Search to decide. However, if you are confused and overwhelmed with the information out there, please read on.

FUE Hair Transplant Overview

FUE hair transplant malaysia

Hair restoration starts with knowing the type and severity of hair loss. We use the Norwood-Hamilton classification scale for males. In general, if you fall under grade VI (6) or above, FUE hair transplant is not for you.

Please be aware that under the Malaysian Ministry of Health Aesthetic Practice Guidelines, only registered dermatologists (with LCP Chapter 2 license) or plastic surgeons (with LCP Chapter 3 license) are allowed to perform hair transplant in Malaysia (Ref: Aesthetics Practice Guidelines in Malaysia).

FUE vs FUT Hair Transplantation Methods

FUE treatment removes individual follicular units directly from your scalp, which are then replanted into the required site of the scalp.

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) process involves removing a small strip of tissue from the back of the head, from which the donor hair follicles will be extracted. The hair follicles are harvested from the strip by a skilled clinical team before being individually transplanted to the recipient areas.

The per-graft cost of a FUT procedure is generally lower than that of a FUE procedure. Lately however, in response to the rising popularity of the FUE technique, many hair transplantation clinics have started lowering the per graft cost on FUE procedures, so that the cost difference between the two types of procedure are not as much as most people think.

Hair Transplant Price Kuala Lumpur 2023

How much does a hair transplant procedure cost in Malaysia?

The average cost for hair transplant in Malaysia is about RM 12 per graft, i.e. if you are going for 1000 grafts, it will cost you RM 12 x 1000 = RM 12,000.

The FUE hair transplant cost may vary from centre to centre in Malaysia. The number of hair grafts will depend on the size of the area to be transplanted as well as the required density. 

Editor's Note:

Please take note that there is a difference between 'cost per graft' and 'cost per hair'. One graft may have 2 - 3 hairs. Some clinics may quote you on a per hair basis. So, if the cost is RM 5 / hair and one graft has 3 strands of hair; your cost will be equivalent to RM 15 / graft.

Another important point is that everybody seems to be comparing prices on how much a graft costs. However, much more important than the price of each graft, is the actual survival rate of the grafts implanted.

Your hair grafts are a finite resource. You only have a certain number on the back and sides of your head, and any grafts that don’t survive are essentially gone. 

Lower survival rate translates into higher cost per survived graft.

Best Hair Transplant Clinics in Kuala Lumpur

To find a hair transplant clinic in Malaysia, check out our top best hair transplant clinic list below. The list of clinics has been arranged in no particular order.

Methodology: The selection of the clinics is based on Google Search Results and information available on blogs, review sites and forums. 

1) Hair Transplant Centre @ ALPS Medical Centre

Suite No. 02-04, 2nd Floor, Menara See Hoy Chan,
No. 374, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
WhatsApp: +60 13 - 998 9982.

Head of Hair Transplant Clinic: Dr. Benjamin George Jr
MBBch (1983), BAO, LRCP & SI, AM (Mal), FRCS (Edin) - 1990

ALPS Hair Clinic is a licensed hair transplant clinic (LCP Chapter 3) and offers hair loss related treatment services such as medical treatment for hair restoration, FUE hair transplant, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and Stem Cell Hair Treatment.

2) Dr. Ruban's Skin & Hair Clinic (Dr. Ruban Satkuna Nathan) - Reviews

Address: Unit 2-3A & 2-5 Level 2, Menara UOA Bangsar,
No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

MBBCh (Ire) FRCP (UK) DipDermSc (UK) FAAD (USA) A.M. (Mal)
Diplomate of The American Board of Laser Surgery
Dermatologist - Derm & Laser Surgeon - STD Specialist
ISHRS - International Society for Hair Restoration Surgery
AAHRS - Asian Association Hair Restoration Surgeons

At Dr Ruban's clinic, services include the full gamut of evidenced based General & interventional Dermatologic services for the Skin, Hair & Nails, using the latest in Laser & Light based technologies & recent advances in Hair Transplant Surgery.

The practice of general Dermatology, treatment of infective diseases such as Leprosy & sexually transmitted diseases remains a core skill-set of this practice.

Reviews: 4.0 overall rating based on 24 reviews (source)

Dr Ruban Hair Transplant Reviews

I've just had a hair transplant completed at Dr Ruban's clinic in Kuala Lumpur.
I have seen some people asking about transplant clinics in Asia and there haven't been any mentions of Malaysia so here goes.


Hair loss is kinda common problem in Malaysia. But do you know what cause hair loss?
Before that, let me introduce you a Skin & Hair expert you might consider in Klang Valley!
Dr Ruban’s Skin & Hair Clinic (known as ‘Nathan Skin Laser & Hair Transplant Centre)
Guys, no worries. If you are visit the clinic you might confuse to reach Dr Ruban’s clinic. But yes, this is the one at Menara UOA Bangsar.


Well, here what I found out. I went to 3 different type of clinic. Dr Shah Hair clinic at Subang Jaya, Dr Ruben at Bangsar(lrt station) and Premier Clinic at Bangsar Village. I am trying to go to DHI clinic but they closed and never pick up my call. Sigh... Ok the review?
Dr Shah : the cheapest I can get. RM8 per graph and they also give 4 free PRP. The bad side is, there is a lady doctor who I think is not well train to do the job. If you want to do it here, make sure you ask for Dr Shah to do it for you.
Dr Ruben: consultant also need to pay. RM100 for bothing and summore recommend me and foRce me to buy propecia. Cost per graph is RM10. But goid thing is, he will bring his team from overseas if you want to do more than 1500 hair.
Premier Clinic: only do hair implant. They dont do hair transplant. Means they put a fake hair on your head. You can't do many things with that fake hair even though it looks like original. With fake hair, it wont grow, you cant blow dry your hair with certain temp, cant go to sauna without cover your head, can't dye your hair, and it will start gradually to fall within 10 years. Then you have to do it again. And cost RM12 per graph. I dont like this clinic cause the coubter gurl approach me after consultation and trying to force me to pay the up front. Feels like Yun Nam. The PRP cost rm2000 per session. Bloody expensive. Then always said 'my customer from uk, from us bla bla bla'.


Wrapping It Up

So, here you are. Hair transplant or hair implant reviews and cost in Malaysia. 


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