Izumio Hydrogen Water and Super Lutein Testimonials in Cancer Treatment

What is Izumio?

There has been a growing awareness of hydrogenized water in the past few years. IZUMIO is the No. 1 bestselling product in the hydrogenated water market in Japan. With more than 230 million units distributed since its launch in 2007, IZUMIO is a brand of hydrogenised water product widely consumed by many customers in Japan.

What is Super Lutein?

S. LUTEIN contains a well-balanced formula of carotenoids, which are pigments found in fruits and vegetables. Carotenoids have recently been drawing attention as a nutrient that helps support the overall health of modern people.

S. LUTEIN is formulated with 6 types of carotenoids that are representative of “phytochemicals”, including lutein and zeaxanthin. It also contains anthocyanin, DHA, B group vitamins, vitamin E and various other nutrients. S. LUTEIN is recommended for those who find it difficult to consume sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables every day.

Containing 6 types of carotenoids, anthocyanin, vitamin E, DHA, and various other nutrients, S. LUTEIN is a health supplement that helps you to achieve a nutritionally balanced diet.

Super Lutein & Izumio & Cancer: What’s the Connection?

There are more than 600 search results on molecular hydrogen and cancer, based on research articles retrieved from PubMed, Google Scholar and Cochrane.

Published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention in 2023, this systematic review is the first to summarise effects associated with the use of molecular hydrogen for cancer. Out of the 677 articles retrieved from Cochrane, PubMed and Google Scholar, 27 articles were included for this systematic review. Based on the authors' analysis, "H2 plays a promising therapeutic role as an independent therapy as well as an adjuvant in combination therapy, resulting in an overall improvement in survivability, quality of life, blood parameters, and tumour reduction."

There were countless case reports of how the formula of Super Lutein and Izumio assisted cancer patients in cancer treatments. Here, we have listed and compiled a few significant testimonials below related to Super Lutein and Izumio.

Disclaimer: Do take note that these are case reports and would require verification in clinical studies with greater number of patients. Therefore, the effectiveness of Super Lutein and Izumio on these case studies may not be easily extrapolated to a diverse population.

Super Lutein & Izumio & Skin Cancer (Stage 3 Melanoma) Testimonial

Dosage during chemo:
9 Super Lutein + 2 packs Izumio

The list of testimonials below is in Chinese.

Super Lutein & Izumio & Breast Cancer (Stage 4) Testimonial

Dosage to bring her body back to healthy level for surgery:
2 capsules of Super Lutein every 2 hours (a total of 20 capsules) per day
3 packets of Izumio per day

Super Lutein & Izumio & Breast Cancer (Stage 3) Testimonial

Dosage during chemo:
4-5 packets of Izumio

Super Lutein & Izumio & Brain Cancer (Stage 4) Testimonial

Super Lutein – From 5 Capsules increased to 15 capsules, taken daily
Izumio – 3 to 4 packs Izumio, daily

Super Lutein & Izumio & Nose Cancer (Stage 3) Testimonial

Molecular Hydrogen Research in Malaysia

Most of the current research and applications of hydrogen therapy are conducted in Japan and China. The awareness about hydrogen therapy is lacking in Malaysia and the surrounding region.
A local research team from USM is embarking on research on the potential therapeutic use of hydrogen in Malaysia. In addition, they also aim to educate the public and those involved in the healthcare industry about the potential value of hydrogen therapy.

More information: http://www.amdi.usm.my/index.php/hydrogenresearch

(Category: hydrogen water)

Where to Buy Hydrogen Water in Malaysia?

If you are in doubt on which and where to buy genuine hydrogen water in Malaysia, you can contact us for assistance. For more information, please feel free to WhatsApp: +6012 271 1445.



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