With so many options and varieties, choosing a baby formula that's best for your child can be as difficult as it is important. Your decision on what to use will hinge on several factors, from your baby's health needs to cost, and many things in between. But most of all, it will depend on what your child will accept.
Breast milk or formula should be your baby's exclusive source of nutrition for the first six months of life and the primary source (supplemented with solid food) for the first year. If you formula feed, know your options so you can buy wisely.
In this article, we will the many milk formula options offered by Similac.
All Formula Brands Are Safe
It's always helpful to ask your child's pediatrician for specific recommendations, but generally speaking, all baby and infant formula brands sold in the United States—generic or brand-name—are safe to use. Every formula is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and must meet the minimum nutritional requirements of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (the "Infant Formula Act").
This means that every major brand, such as Enfamil, Similac, Gerber Good Start, or Earth's Best, plus all store brands from Walmart, Target, or Kroger, etc., are safe to use and will meet your baby's basic nutritional needs.
General Nutritional Information
Similac generally is a cow milk-based, lactose-containing formula enriched with iron, vitamins, and other minerals. For lactose intolerant babies, there are soy-based formulas as well.
- Milk Proteins : Has whey and casein proteins
- Contains DHA & ARA
- Contains prebiotics and antioxidants
- Main Fat Source - Soy and Coconut Oil
1. Similac 2′ FL HMO Pro Advance : For Immune Support

- Contains added ingredients usually only found in breastmilk.
- Babies with cow’s milk aversion or are extra colicky should get a different option.
- Similac has added Lutein for eye health
- Similac avoids GMOs
- Similac may use allergenic milk protein isolate and more sugars for a tastier formula
- No artificial growth hormones
Similac 2FL HMO ReviewMy daughter loves this one. She was very fussy with a different brand so we switched her to this one. She's no longer having gas pains as she did before. This one is a game changer!
Similac 2FL HMO Price
2. Similac for Spit-Up : Milk Formula for Babies who Spit Up Often

- Uses rice starch to thicken its formula
- Has a lot of sugars to help settle fussy stomachs
- Main ingredients are corn syrup, modified rice starch, milk protein isolate, vegetable oils and one prebiotic.
- Similac for Spit-up has two different sugar sources, and overall contains more sugar content than Enfamil.
- Has less milk products compared to Enfamil, which could help many babies with their spit-up
- Does not contain GMOs.
My baby had some digestive problems beginning at 2 months. Started her on this and also had an antacid prescribed. Her colic was cured and spit up too. Also had to pair these measures with a slow flow anti colic bottle. We have continued this formula and it has worked well. Baby is now almost 10 months old.
Likes : Mixing, Ease of use, For digestion, Weight, For kids, Gas, Value for money, Constipation, Powder
Similac for Spit Up Price
3. Similac Alimentum : Hypoallergenic Milk Formula

- For babies who are allergic or show colicky symptoms to cow's milk, which have proteins that are more difficult to digest than human breastmilk.
- Contain casein hydrolysate (milk), which are smaller, more digestible proteins derived from larger cow’s milk proteins.
- Uses sugars to aid in digestion
- Claims that their easy to digest formula can reduce colic symptoms in at least one day.
- Has no lactose, but still contains other milk products.
- Uses corn maltodextrin sugar on top of other sugars, overall has more sugar content than Enfamil.
- Has a high level of Linoleic Acid
- Cons : Bad smell
- Best Similac Formula for Constipation
Let me start by saying that I hate almost everything about this product, except the fact that it works. We had to switch from regular formula to Alimentum at the recommendation of the pediatrician due to lactose issues causing bloody stool. This worked and stopped the problem almost immediately. He actually enjoyed drinking this stuff for the six months until we could ween him onto other foods.
I'm giving this formula an overall three stars. Five stars for a product that works, and one star for expensive price and the horrible smell.
Similac Alimentum Price, 12oz
4. Similac Soy Isomil : Similac Lactose Free Formula

- For babies who cannot digest cow’s milk proteins.
- Suggested to try Similac’s Alimentum before switching to soy.
- Uses corn syrup as the first ingredient and soy protein as the second ingredient followed by oils.
- Completely avoids milk products.
- High Linoleic Acid levels
My newborn seems to be adjusting to this milk nicely. He was terribly gaseous with Neosure, Similac Pro, Alimentum too and I tried Soy Similac and it’s been very helpful. I also add 1 oz of pear or prune juice to the bottle to assist him in passing his stool per the Dr. direction and he is no longer crying and passing extreme gas as before.
5. Similac Pro-Sensitive Non-GMO Infant Formula with Iron, with 2’-FL HMO, for Immune Support
Another Similac baby milk formula best seller with more than 2,200 customer reviews and is currently the no. 6 best seller in the powder baby formula category of Amazon Best Sellers.

Similac Pro-Sensitive is the first infant formula for sensitive tummies with 2’-FL HMO;(Based on Pediatrician Recommendations and IQVIA ProVoice Survey 12 months ending February 2020; not from human milk)
FOR SENSITIVE TUMMIES: Designed for fussiness and gas due to lactose sensitivity; Not for infants or children with galactosemia
IMMUNE SUPPORT: Similac Pro-Sensitive is the first infant formula with 2’-FL human milk oligosaccharide (Not from human milk)
OptiGRO: Our exclusive blend of DHA, Lutein, and Vitamin E, nutrients also found in breast milk, help support baby’s brain and eye development
This formula worked best for my baby's sensitive tummy. She enjoys it more than other formulas because it has a good taste to it. She doesn't seem to get fuzzy anymore and she doesn't spit up and I haven't had any problem of constipation.The only minor problem i wish they could change is that it get to frizzy so you get less milk. Also I wish they had more ready to feed bottles available in stores.
Similac Pro-Sensitive Infant Formula Price
6. Similac Pro-Total Comfort Non-GMO with 2'-FL HMO Infant Formula with Iron, Easy-to-Digest, Gentle Formula, for Immune Support

- LESS FUSSINESS & CRYING: Parents reported a significant reduction in fussiness, gassiness and crying after just 1 day of feeding (After switching to Pro-Total Comfort)
- CLOSER TO BREAST MILK: With 2’-FL HMO, a unique prebiotic like that found in breast milk. Supports baby’s developing immune system and closes 5 gaps in immune function between formula-fed and breastfed infants
- FOR BRAIN & EYE DEVELOPMENT: Our exclusive blend of DHA, Lutein and vitamin E, nutrients also found in breast milk, help support baby’s overall growth and brain and eye development
EDIT: Called the company per their request. They helped us with our problem. The lady on the phone was polite, perfect-english speaking and professional. When a company stands by its production like this, my confidence is increased its products . My next baby will drink Similac
This is the ONLY formula my baby doesn't get constipated with. We tried Costco's KS brand, Pro Advance and others, but this is the only one my poor boy didn't get stomach aches with. We've ordered truck loads of this stuff and had good luck with them.
On the last box we got, the final 2 containers had ripped plastic lids and I didn't notice either one since I keep one at my parents house and one at our house. Both went bad with the humidity. One of the bottles started clumping together and the other had what looks like some form of black spots (mold?).
1. What is the difference between Similac Pro-Sensitive and Similac Alimentum?
Similac Pro-Sensitive is for lactose sensitive babies.
Similac Alimentum is for protein sensitive babies.
Similac Pro Sensitive is made with milk protein isolates.
Similac Alimentum is made with casein hydrolysate from milk, which are smaller, more digestible proteins than the usual formula.
Similac Pro Sensitive uses corn syrup as its carbohydrate source. It is 20% more sugary than Similac Alimentum.
Similac Alimentum uses corn maltodextrin as its carbohydrate source.